Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Bizzie Baby Review

It is a proud moment when as a Mum or a Dad you see your toddler master and indeed perfect the skills of a fully grown surfer. But believe us that is what happens within days, when you give your child a Mini Micro! Developed with the help of Swiss medical experts, the Mini Micro scooter gives young children independence whilst helping to develop their critical balance and co-ordination skills.

£47.95 Available online at

Lydia Awarded the Micro Scooter 4.7/5

Reviews ()

Product Tested By Lydia Niziblian – Kitty & Tadhg Ages 5 & 2 Years

Lydia Awarded the Micro Scooter 4.7/5

The scooter looks funky, has lovely colours, a cool design and is sturdy. The kid’s first impression was ‘wow!’ Easy to navigate website, loads of novel and fun ideas for kids and adults (from micro Scooters to the fab looking Ezyroller!) and gifts and items to custom your scooter. The packaging is fine, the scooter is in a fair sized box with an attractive imagine and integral carry handle. It took three minutes to read instructions and assemble. I assumed I'd forgotten something, but no, it's very easy. The micro scooter has the minimum recommended age as 3, but reading the manual, it seemed as though it could possibly go lower age-wise. This became an issue as soon as Tadhg (just turned 2) decided no way was his sister having it all to herself and within seconds was able to use it properly! Kitty (aged 5 at the upper end of the spectrum) thought it was great also, and wouldn't feel 'babyish' using it (she has a normal micro scooter already). The micro scooter is great for zipping about on, especially on trips to shops/park etc. Quicker than walking, more fun, and not as different as bringing a bike or trike. It’s helped both children with balance and co-ordination, as well as confidence that they can 'do it'. My daughter loved riding it, and my son wanted to ride it in the house and take it to bed! Sturdy and very well made indeed. Obviously a quality scooter but still expensive in comparison to others. Both children love it to bits, so I'd definitely consider buying it. An excellent quality scooter, it's a great introduction to scooters. Obviously very easy to use, as our 2 year old was whizzing around on it within minutes (and couldn't manage a 'normal' two wheel scooter). Lovely design looks bright and funky. Only downsides are the fact it doesn't fold (you have to take it apart into 2 pieces) and a slightly high price tag. Overall a fabulous buy though, and would make an excellent present! Lydia Niziblian – Kitty & Tadhg Ages 5 & 2 Years

Product Tested By Linda Cosgrove – Jared
Linda Awarded the Micro Scooter 4.5/5

The micro scooter is a very sturdy and funky looking product. The website holds very comprehensive information. It’s easy to find information/categories and provides details for large variety of age groups. The scooter has a bright attractive design, easy access and sturdy box; it only took two minutes to assemble! I had no worries at all with letting my children play with the scooter. Very good for attention keeping. Would be played with tirelessly. Stimulates imagination in so far as it was tried out on many different surfaces with differing results. The children had to try different angles to allow scooter to travel in different directions. Learnt quite early on that he had to use hand/eye coordination or would fall off. Very sturdy construction, it has withstood some pretty rough treatment with no obvious damage even when left out (inadvertently) in adverse weather with no problems. Very happy with the scooter, my son enjoys it a lot and joins in with his older brother and sister now and they play together. I loved every aspect of the scooter too apart from the price, because I simply could not afford to pay this much, but I very much enjoyed testing a perfect quality product! Linda Cosgrove – Jared

Stockist Information

TEL: 0845 258 7532
Micro Scooters Ltd 110 Coast Road West Mersea Colchester Essex CO5 8NA