Tuesday, 1 February 2011

A Macro Look At Our Micro World

It’s tough for women. We have so many hats to wear – businesswoman, mum, wife, housekeeper – to name just a few. I know I have trouble juggling them all at times. So we’ve decided to share the realities of running our business with you.

Some months Anna will blog about her world, at other ti
mes it will be me – Philippa. Either way, we’ll look at life from all sorts of perspectives be it funny, chaotic or downright difficult. If something strikes a chord, feel free to leave a comment as we’d love to hear from you.

Beating the blues

OK, hands up – it’s been a few months since we blogged. It’s always one of those things we keep meaning to do which seems to end up at the bottom of the list. So we made a resolution to blog with the best of them in 2011 – here goes.

Talking of resolutions – who came up with that idea? Just at a time when you’ve had the stress of organising a family Christmas as well as taking care of plans for New Year celebrations. Oh and then having to get the kids ready to go back to school. So, on top of all that, is the added pressure of making a resolution to better your lifestyle which usually involves giving up something rather enjoyable (like food and drink).

So, this year I decided I have to get fit and lose weight - again. Once you reach a certain age, there’s no stopping your body doing its own
thing, is there? After a week of relentless calorie counting, I was a little peeved, to say the least, to have gained 2lbs! My body doesn’t seem to know the meaning of metabolic rate.

However, I have persevered and gone back to pilates and started to run. Then someone pointed out the blindingly obvious. Get the kids involved – challenge them to scoot a certain distance each day whilst I cover the same mileage on foot. So far, so good on the fitness front.

OK, so sometimes there has to be a small bribe involved to get my children out when its cold or wet but it’s a lot cheaper than gym member
ship, I can tell you. And the great thing is we’re getting fitter together as a family.

The weight-loss is proving trickier. I am now down to about 2 calories a day thanks to juicing. If this doesn’t work, I might look for a worthy cause and go on hunger strike as it seems nothing else is going to work.

Happy Resolutions Everyone!


Each Wednesday, Eastbourne Mum, Francesca Vogels, gets together with a group of friends to train on their scooters, many of whom got them for Christmas. They follow a different route each week to vary the terrain and it provides a great cardio workout, even proving challenging for a number of the ladies who work within the fitness profession.

Commenting on the Mum’s Scooter Club, Francesca said:
“Having worked at a local infant school as a P.E teacher, I was put in charge of the travel plan. We wanted to introduce healthier methods of getting to school as well as ways of cutting down our Carbon Footprint. The use of scooters was the obvious answer.

Kids can reach quite a speed on these things and it was hard for some parents to keep up. I started scootering to school with my children and soon lots of other parents followed suit. We came up with the idea of the Scooter Club as a way of improving our fitness as well as having fun”.

Micro Scooters UK are so impressed with the idea they are looking into setting up Mums Scooter Clubs as a national scheme. Let us know if you'd be interested in setting one up?

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